Greitosios nuorodos

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About us


The mission of the publishing in the University is to promote the publishing of scientific and study works of the University community; to provide and coordinate efficient publishing-related services; to organize and assure the accessibility, accounting, circulation, dissemination and storage of publications by applying innovative publishing, accumulation, dissemination and storage methods in order to better meet scientific communication needs of the academic community.


  • To ensure modern, traditional and electronic publishing of the University.
  • To effectively coordinate publishing procedure.
  • To organize and ensure the spread and dissemination of University publications (both in Lithuania and abroad), to increase the visibility and use of scientific production of the University.
  • To ensure free access to University information recourses for University researchers and students, to develop open access to information in the University (Vytautas Magnus University Research Management System (VMU CRIS), open access e-publication system of scientific journals (Open Journal System).
  • To provide operational publishing, printing, copying and bookbinding services.
  • To manage ISSN, ISBN, ISMN, DOI and other necessary records of University publications.
  • To rationally use publishing equipment and tools and manage the accounting of publications.