Participation in organizational and project activities
- In 2016–2019, the project of the Priority 9 “Public Education and the Enhancement of the Potential of Human Resources” of EU Funds Investment Action Program 2014–2020 “Publishing and Coordination of Scientific Periodicals, project code 09.3.3-ESFA-V-711-01-0004, was implemented. When implementing the project, the following scientific periodical journals were published: “Deeds and Days” (6 issues), “Sustainable Multilingualism” (6 issues), “SOTER. Journal of Religious Science” (12 issues), “Applied Economics: Systematic Research” (6 issues).
- On the 12 of January 2012, the University signed a membership agreement with “Publishers International Linking Association” (PILA) and has used CrossRef services. This organization offers for publishers the latest technological solutions and help to support the implementation of electronic publishing (for more information about CrossRef see here). In addition, the University uses the service of CrossCheck, which allows publishers to check whether the submitted manuscripts contain any overlaps in the texts not only in the global network but also in the University databases.
- In 2011–2013, the project “The Publishing of Scientific Periodicals” (VP1-3.2-ŠMM-02-V-02-002, the priority – VP1-3 Building capacity of researchers) was implemented. The following scientific periodical journals were issued: “Art History and Criticism” (3 issues), “Deeds and Days” (6 issues), “Soter” (12 issues), “Organization Management: Systematic Research” (12 issues).