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Publishing procedure

In order to publish a research paper the author must submit:

  1. An Application;
  2. An electronic version of the work and the appropriate press-quality illustrations (if available, submit them separately) (see Manuscript submission and requirements (LT));
  3. Protocol extract of the Meeting of the Faculty Council with publishing recommendation;
  4. Reviews. Publications are reviewed by two scholars appointed by the Faculty Council. Taking into consideration the type of the publication, the following requirements shall be applied:
    • Both reviewers of a monograph or scientific study must be recognized scholars of the same scientific field as the author but from different science and educational institutions (at least one reviewer of monographs in humanities and social sciences must be from another institution). A monograph or scientific study must be reviewed be foreign scholars.
    • Both reviewers of a collection of articles or source publications must be recognized scholars of the same scientific field.
    • One of the reviewers of a textbook must work as a professor in the same scientific field as the author, at least one of the reviewers must be from other science or educational institution.
    • Both reviewers of a teaching aid must be scholars of the same scientific field, working in the position of a lecturer, associate professor or professor.

After the author has submitted the necessary documents, the University shall sign with the author the following agreements:

  1. Publishing agreement;
  2. E-publishing license agreement of the book (if the author wishes to publish an electronic version of a document in Vytautas Magnus University Research Management System (VMU CRIS)).
  3. Open Access books are published under Creative Commons licenses.

Scientific periodicals:

  1. When publishing scientific periodicals, editorial boards shall refer to long-term publishing agreements with the University;
  2. E-publishing agreement with the scientific periodical shall be made if Editorial boards wish to publish electronic versions of periodicals in VMU CRIS.


Please submit your questions, requests and suggestions in the “Ask us” section and send them to the Publishing Center or contact us by the contacts provided.