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For doctoral candidates

A doctoral thesis must be prepared in accordance with requirements applicable to it. Information for doctoral candidates; information in English. More information is provided by Doctoral School of Research and Innovation Department.

Doctoral candidates wishing to print their doctoral thesis and the summary of their doctoral thesis (according to the old regulation) shall submit the following documents to the Publishing Center*:

  • a copy of the Rector’s order on the formation of the Defence Committee of the doctoral thesis.
  • an application to publish the doctoral thesis and the summary of the doctoral thesis (application form);
  • layouts of the doctoral thesis and summary following the requirements for the preparation, pdf (in English) of the text of the doctoral thesis and its summary for printing.
The submitted dissertation must be checked for plagiarism (applicable to the Doctoral School); Plagiarism Prevention Regulations (in Lithuanian).

Supporting documents for the preparation of a doctoral thesis:




*Contacts: tel. (+370 37) 32 79 74 (intercom 5404), e-mail:, address: Studentų g. 11, room 123, Akademija, LT-53361 Kaunas district.