Greitosios nuorodos

Greitosios nuorodos

The Formation and Development of the Coordination between 6-8 Year-Old Children’s Vocal Apparatus and Musical Hearing in the Process of Learning Singing

Jeļena Davidova, Gaļina Zavadska, Ming-Jen Chuang, Asta Rauduvaitė

Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, 2020


The aims of this study: 1) to compare children’s singing voice development, 2) to explore the developmental process of coordination between musical hearing and the vocal apparatus of 6-8 year-old children from Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan during the process of singing. Within the framework of this project, it was planned to determine and experimentally verify teaching strategies for the development of coordination between musical hearing and the vocal apparatus of 6-8 year-old children from Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan during the process of singing.